safer than sorry

running through the roses
lovers fall like martyrs
they wear their thorns like halos
and then curse at every scratch

regrets are cheap mementos
save them for the talk shows
it’s junk store sentimental
me I’ve got no time for that

safer than sorry

from penthouse to apartment
hope falls faster than rent
a taste for disappointment
is acquired easily

between the sins of fathers
and the drunken dreams of daughters
why anyone bothers
is a mystery to me

safer than sorry

sins and souvenirs
the flotsam and the jetsam of our years
lies and lipstick smears
cross your heart and
hope that no one hears
safer than sorry

when I go to meet my maker
I know that I’ll have my story
I know nothing could be safer
What could be safer than sorry

sins and souvenirs…..

© 2011 James R Irwin - City Of Trees Music ASCAP